to experience away.

for the aspiring explorer

oh hey! i’m amber and i’m so glad that you’ve come across my blog. for whatever reasons that have brought you here, whether by accident or curiosity, i am here to inspire you through my words and photography. hopefully you’ll learn something new and maybe want to explore the world a little more after discovering my blog…

explore the blog

about amber

Amber was born and raised in the suburbs of Ohio, tucked between neighborhoods and farmlands. She has spent time outdoors camping and hiking since she was born and before she could even walk. Exploring the world is another aspect of her life that she’s always loved and plans to turn into a career eventually. While she would rather roll around in the dirt than go shopping, Amber finds inspiration from the natural world. With a future degree in journalism, she plans to further her camping experience into a long-term lifestyle shaped around outdoor recreation and travel. As a certified plant mom, Amber has traveled around North America by plane, car, boat, and camper. She has swam in the frigid glacier lakes at Grand Tetons, driven up a 350 ft tall sand dune on a dune buggy, and ridden an elephant in a circus on an island. She will say yes to any adventure.

get to know me on Instagram